The Perfect Sod For Your Yard
Coastsl sod has been serving the turfgrass needs of home owners, landscapers and the building industry in Texas for over thirty years. We will provide you with the perfect grass for your lawn.
We will also help you decide what type of sod grass will be best for the part of Texas where you live. And, of course, we will provide you with the type of grass you desire.
Because you are a home owner who sincerely cares about your lawn and landscape, we are here to help you. We know that you want to achieve the best results for your yard with the least amount of work.
Call Us Today: 888-577-3331
As you browse through our site please be sure and follow the links for more information about what you are looking for.
Each of these are important to understand and to know about if you want to have a great looking and feeling lawn and landscape.
Planning is Very Important…
The preparation and installation of a nice lawn is a lot of work. There is a step by step process that must be done.
I can not emphasize enough the fact that you must prepare for the installation of your grass. If you don’t plan ahead of time it can, and most likely will, be DISASTEROUS. You don’t want this to happen, I don’ want this to happen but it does happen without planning.
This is very important and I can not emphasize just how important planning is. No matter, I want you to be prepared for this job.
Call us so we can help you plan your perfect turfgrass installation:
Call Us Today: 888-577-3331
You will find pages where you can learn how to prepare your yard for proper turf installation. You can use this information to do the work yourself or to make sure that the contractor that you hire does the work properly.
You will learn how to properly install your grass and take care of it directly after installation.
You will find a page where you will learn how to properly water and care for your turfgrass once it has been installed. How to water and when to mow in the weeks just after installation.
Look for the tab above that says INSTALLATION AND CARE click on it and follow those links to learn what you will need to know.
Where Our Sod Comes From
Our sod grass comes fresh from our farms which are located just outside of Bay City along the Texas Gulf Coast. We have all the equipment necessary to deliver your sod to your home or job site.
The Types of Sod We Carry
We sell the following grasses and as you read about them you will find that they each serve a specific purpose. Some of them to name a few are Drought Hardiness, Wear Resistant, and Tropical in Nature.
- St Augustine Sod
- Tiff 419 Bermuda Sod
- El Toro Zoysia Sod
St. Augustine Grass
St. Augustine grass is a coarse textured grass. It is not like Bermuda grass which has rhizomes. St. Augustine is a stoloniferous species of grass that roots at the nodes. In other words it spreads and grows from its stolons.
St Augustine will tolerate shaded areas where Bermudas will not. For this reason St. Augustine

Floratam Sod Stolens Notice the Deep Red Color. If it does not have a this color then it is not Floratam Sod
Grass is a very good grass to use when your yard has a lot of trees and shade around it.
There are several variants and species of St. Augustine but two the most common varieties in todays
market are, Floratam and Raleigh.
Both Raleigh St Augustine and Floratam St. Augustine are the two that we specialize in here at Coastal Sod.
Notice the deep red color on these stolon specimens. If the sod your get does not have this deep red color stolon throughout its density then most likely it is not Floratam. Beware, one type of grass is often substituted for another.
Coastal Sod is very particular about our Floratam Sod as we are about all of our sod grasses. We make sure our fields do not contain any other type of grass then what we are farming on that particular field.
Tiff 419 Bermuda Grass
Tiff 419 Bermuda Grass is a dark green medium fine textured dwarf Bermuda grass. It has a very dense character and is tends to have a rapid growth. It is the perfect Bermuda grass to sod your
yard with. It is soft, lush green and easily cared for.
It is not as rapid growing nor as invasive as common Bermuda.
But because of its resistance to drought conditions and wear and tear it is the preferred Bermuda grass for lawns and commercial landscapes here at Coastal Sod.
Maintenance on Tiff 419 Bermuda Grass is mimimal. It should though be mowed on a regular basis so it will not become too tall and spindly.
Call Us Today: 888-577-3331
El Toro Zoysia Grass
El Toro Zoysia grass is a warm season variety of turfgrass. It has a deep green color and a medium texture.
El Toro Zoysia has a relatively high tolerance for shade. Although not quite as tolerant as St. Augustine Grasses it has a much greater tolerance than Bermuda Grasses.
It is very drought tolerant which makes it well suited for our area. El Toro Sod grass also has a high resistance to disease.
El Toro Sod grass stands up to wear and tear. It has a very good recovery rate when it has been damaged by these two conditions.
With the ability for El Toro sod grass to withstand drought conditions, and wear and tear and being disease resistance it is a good choice for both residential and commercial landscapes.